Becky Downing

Becky DowningBecky Downing spent 32 years in law enforcement in York County, Pennsylvania. Since retiring, she has taught law enforcement officers for both Penn State Justice and Safety Institute (JASI) and Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Commission (MPOETC). She is also an active instructor at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC), where she teaches in the police academy and delivers courses she has authored.

Now with Penn State and HACC for more than 25 years, Becky specializes in leadership courses, handling employees in all kinds of cultural climates, and employee morale and motivation. She has always had a passion for police stress awareness and works tirelessly to educate about police suicide.

Becky earned a bachelor of science in criminal justice from York College, and she did graduate work at Penn State before earning her master’s in criminal justice from Villanova University.

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