Ken Quick

Ken Quick

Ken served as a police officer in the New York City Police Department (NYPD) for more than 23 years before retiring in the rank of Inspector. As an executive in the world’s largest police department, he commanded both proactive street crime units and an ethnically diverse precinct in Brooklyn. He was most recently assigned as the Commanding Officer of the Employee Relations Bureau, which is tasked with morale enhancement, employee engagement, promoting the health and well-being of all members, and supporting the families of fallen officers and members who are seriously ill or injured and is liaison to the department’s fraternal organizations. While at the NYPD, he regularly taught leadership development to all supervisory ranks of police officers. He is a graduate of Columbia University’s Police Management Institute and has dual master’s degrees in criminal justice and protection management.

Ken is also a doctoral candidate (ABD) and professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. He is in the final stages of completing his dissertation, which focuses on the use of professionally trained dogs to improve officer perception of organizational support and receptivity to mental health assistance. In addition to his work with the Justice and Safety Institute, Ken regularly trains police officers in wellness and suicide prevention. He also teaches international police officers and first responders various topics, including mental health and wellness, leadership, and emergency management, through capacity-building projects in Latin America that are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.

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