Louis Forst

Lou ForstLouis (Lou) Forst is a retired lieutenant from the Newark Police Department in New Jersey. During his distinguished career of more than 20 years, Lou played an instrumental role in Newark's reduction in violent crime and citizen complaints through innovations to their police training methodology. While with Newark Police, Lou created and collaborated on numerous inventive training platforms, including training on LGBTQ interactions, and expanded the training course catalog for the entire agency.

In 2013, Lou developed the highly acclaimed Active Shooter Incident Response (ASIR) program, which was implemented by Newark Police, other police agencies, and local corporations — including Newark Public Library and Anheuser-Busch. He has collaborated with the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation, Equal Justice USA, and the Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.

In 2016, Lou was chosen as the face of the Newark Police Consent Decree, tasked with overhauling existing police culture and focusing policy development on community inclusion. He is sought out both in-person and online as a speaker and writer for his respected and insightful contributions on current police and community issues.

Louis Forst was a great instructor, was able to keep the focus and attention of the entire classroom, and had great experience that kept us connected the entire week. Great Training!

—Police Executive Development Student Feedback

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