Module 1 – Policy Development
- Identify the purpose of a Field Training Policy/Manual.
- Identify and explain the critical components of a Field Training Policy/Manual.
- Compose a phase format, including timelines for each phase, along with the responsibilities of the FTO and trainee.
- Create a list of standard qualifications to serve as an FTO in your agency.
- Identify a command structure for your FTO program.
Module 2 – Leadership and Supervision
- Define the terms “competency” and “commitment.”
- Compare and contrast the differences between leadership styles as they apply to individual trainees.
Module 3 – Teaching and Learning Concepts
- By the end of the module, be able to create objectives using the SMART method.
- By analyzing training modules, identify the differences between declarative and procedural knowledge.
- Recognize how each of the three domains of learning in Bloom’s Taxonomy relates to training structure.
- Through group discussions, construct objectives for each of Bloom’s domains.
- Identify the term “Cognitive Overload” and associate its concepts to training.
- Recognize what defeats working memory during training.
- During group exercise, demonstrate how to “chunk” information in specific law enforcement response areas.
Module 4 – Training Tasks
- Identify the importance of training tasks.
- Develop a training task by creating objectives and listing critical elements.
- Design a training task lesson using concepts of cognitive load and schemas.
Module 5 – Performance Assessments
- Define a training assessment.
- Establish clear assessment guidelines based on performance standards.
- Identify the importance for the need to document progress.
- Explain the various methods used for assessments and their benefits or drawbacks.
- Develop a performance assessment rating scale for two law enforcement functions.
Module 6 – Evaluations
- Establish clear evaluation guidelines based on performance standards.
- Identify the essential components of a performance evaluation.
- Identify the importance for the need to document recruit evaluations.
- Identify and avoid evaluation pitfalls relating to performance evaluations.
- Develop and associate criteria to be evaluated.
Module 7 – Counseling
- Identify the components of a counseling session.
- List the steps of the communication process.
- Use documentation as a critical part of counseling sessions.
- Manage a counseling session and appraise the training needs of the recruit based their statements and attitude.
- Develop an action plan to enhance probationary officer performance.
- Recognize barriers to effective communication.
Module 8 – Civil Liability
- Describe the differences between strict liability and intentional torts.
- Identify their roles as trainer and supervisor, and relate these roles to civil liability.
- Identify the areas of supervisory negligence.
- Evaluate and identify potential training liabilities related to vague training policies and procedures.