Choosing to remain anonymous, the donor hopes to expand access to the program’s community-oriented training curriculum.
Choosing to remain anonymous, the donor hopes to expand access to the program’s community-oriented training curriculum.
Police chiefs recognize the importance of continuing education, including Police Supervisory In-Service Training from the Penn State Justice and Safety Institute.
The newest class of 35 Pennsylvania deputy sheriffs will graduate on Friday, May 19, from the Pennsylvania Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Education and Training Program run by the Penn State Justice and Safety Institute.
The newest class of Pennsylvania deputy sheriffs will return to their home communities prepared to serve after graduating from the Commonwealth’s Penn State–run training academy on November 18.
Marcha Reumel is an assistant commissioner of the national police in her home country of Suriname, on South America’s northeastern coast. She came to Penn State as a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow and connected with the Justice and Safety Institute (JASI) while she was here.
New sheriffs and deputy sheriffs attend the state’s training academy run by the Penn State Justice and Safety Institute.
Penn State President Eric. J. Barron and Penn State health and safety officials announced on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, that due to the coronavirus pandemic, Penn State will move to remote learning for all classes beginning Monday, March 16, through Friday, April 3, with a plan to resume face-to-face classes on Monday, April 6, at…
New sheriffs and deputy sheriffs attend the state’s training academy run by the Penn State Justice and Safety Institute.
The 57th class of the Pennsylvania Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Training Program graduated on November 22, 2019.
Penn State Justice and Safety Institute administers Pennsylvania’s Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Education and Training Program.