Grant Writing

Co-sponsor: Macungie Police Department

When: May 12, 2025 – May 14, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Where: Macungie Institute, 510 East Main Street, Macungie, PA 18062
Cost: $569.00
MPOETC Credits: 0
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Contact Information

Paula Parker
Program Coordinator

Course Description

The Penn State Justice and Safety Institute (JASI) is pleased to partner with our co-sponsor to present this intensive three-day Grant Writing course. It is undeniable that law enforcement executives are being asked to accomplish more with less direct funding. Successfully obtaining grants and foundation awards is a way to get funding needed for equipment, services, and staffing.

Grant Writing is a hands-on program that can help participants gain the skill sets necessary to find, apply for, win, and manage grants and foundation awards. Topics covered in this course include defining a grant and when and where to seek funding streams. Attendees will develop goals and objectives, learn how to write clear and concise project narratives and executive summaries, and examine how to create clearly defined categories of funds requested. As the course progresses, attendees will develop a grant application budget with project costs and expenses associated with the grant and present that application to the class for discussion and collaboration.

Please bring a laptop and an idea of a grant that you would like to apply for. You will have an opportunity to develop and present a grant application with instructor feedback.

This program addresses the following critical topics:

  • Define a grant and where and when to seek funding
  • Determine the goal and specific project to fund
  • Determine and define the objective of your grant proposal
  • Write a clear and concise project narrative/executive summary
  • Create clearly defined categories of funds requested
  • Develop a grant application budget with project costs and expenses
  • Establish a project evaluation to determine success and outcome
  • Summary exercise to develop and present a draft grant application


Course: Grant Writing (Course Description)
When: May 12, 2025 – May 14, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Where: Macungie Institute, 510 East Main Street, Macungie, PA 18062
MPOETC Credits: 0


Attendee 1:

Communication Agreement:

By checking this box, I agree to allow Penn State to communicate with all of my organization's registered attendees by email, as well as release all attendance and completion records to our employer, if requested. I have read JASI’s cancellation policy. *

Police Department / Organization:

Training Coordinator:

Who is the training coordinator for your police department or organization?

Billing Contact:

Payment instructions will be sent to this person's email address.

An invoice with payment instructions will be emailed to the billing contact within 3 business days.